Monday, October 7, 2013

Some SAT News is Discouraging

On Thursday, September 26, 2013, The Star-Telegram posted an editorial titled Some SAT News is Discouraging.  This editorial is about a low percentage of students who take the SAT's further their education to a college career. Only 43 percent of high school students actually take the SAT's, this number is relatively low.  The College Board announced that it has been virtually unchanged for the past 5 years, meaning they do not need to take action on it.  However, College Board President, David Coleman said the stagnant scores are "a call for action."  His proposal was dramatically increasing the number of students in K-12 who are prepared for college and careers by transforming the daily work that students do in classrooms.  I agree with Coleman, I believe that we need to make some serious changes in our Texas public schools. Significantly, more students are taking AP exams rather than the SAT's.  Why?  Presumably, the SAT tests are not related to the coursework that students do. It is far more complex, causing students to get discouraged to take them.  When I attended high school, I did not take the SAT's due to the fact that I was not pushed to take them, and it was not an important factor in my high school.  They cared more about preparing students for the TAKS tests instead of the SAT's.  For that matter, I was not at all prepared for college, much less a university.   I believe that Coleman's proposal should be affected immediately because our Texas public schools need that dramatic change.

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